Adding a Corona Virus Passport to your Travel Accessories

While vaccines have been developed and presently being administered the reality is even with optimistic projections; at least one year before returning to normalcy. If I may preface vaccines are not new in travel. It is not uncommon when traveling to under-developed parts of the world that certain vaccines are suggested if traveling from the United States. Here is a link:Get Vaccinated Before You Travel.

Concerning Covid you may have heard of the new Covid Passport. Several companies are developing “passport” apps that can vouch for a person’ corona virus vaccine and tests statuses. The verification could then be used for traveling on planes.

The Common Trust Network through the World Economic Forum is partnering with JetBlue, United, Virgin Atlantic, Swiss Air Lines, Cathay Pacific and Lufthansa, and hundreds of health systems in the US and Aruba. Their product, an app called The CommonPass allows users to upload a COVID-19 test result, or eventually, proof from a medical professional that they received both doses of the vaccine. Instead of revealing personal information, the app would generate a certificate in the form of a QR code that could be scanned by flight attendants or security personnel. The app will also list the health requirements at the a traveler’s departure and arrival destination.

Related many countries and resorts are providing options related to leisure travel coupled with pre-travel and post arrival testing, basically a get out of quarantine early. It is best to check with the destination and participating hotels and resorts. Of note vacation rentals and similar lodging options may NOT be available.

Also be aware some destinations continue to require a full 2-weeks quarantine at a designated hotel of the government’s choosing while the traveler is responsible for all costs associated with the quarantine. This is common in many Asian countries with Hong Kong, SAR China and Taiwan being quite strict to the point of not allowing foreigners to enter at all. In addition select destinations may require a local phone number and/or local cell phone to allow for contract tracing and monitoring.

Thus while one may be able to travel on a limited basis it is best to check arrival requirements before travel. Even if getting tested in your native country best to have results translated to the language of your destination if possible. Also while a destination web site may have information available it is at the discretion of customs and immigration at your arrival destination which trumps what may be on the tourism website.

I know we are all desiring to travel and while restrictions coupled with vaccinations may ease the cumbersome burdens unfortunately Covid seems to be on the rise in the United Kingdom concerning a new variant which is more contagious.  As I have advised clients in the past a pathogen can literally travel anywhere in the world within 24 hours. Thus if planning travel in the immediate future be judicious and conscious of safety protocols.